Shipping Policy

How long does delivery take?
We offer a delivery time of 2-6 business days, starting from the day after you submit your order.

What are the delivery options?
Delivery partners vary based on your order size and can be selected at checkout.

What are the delivery costs?
Orders over $59 qualify for free shipping, while orders under $59 incur a fee of $5.9.

How can I track my package?
Once shipped, we will send you a tracking link via email after pickup. Activation may take up to 48 hours. For tracking issues, please contact us.

What if I don’t pick up my package?
Failure to pick up your package will result in a fee of $12.9 to cover shipping, handling, and restocking.

Do I have to pay customs or duties?
All our products are shipped from a warehouse in Norway, so there will be no customs or duties on your package.

Contact Us
Questions about your order? Get in touch – we are here to help!